Program of the Inaugural Russian Investment Forum “RUS-INNO-BUSINESS 2012: Small Innovative Business in the Ural Region”
Thursday, March 15
Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk region (10 Boris Yeltsin St., Yekaterinburg, Russia)
9.00 – 10.00
Participants registration, coffee break
10.00 – 10.25
Official opening of the Forum (Small Hall, fifth floor)
Welcoming speeches by:
- Volkov Vladimir Anatolyevitch, Chair of the Executive Committee of the “Big Ural” interregional association (;
- Babushkina Ludmila Valentinovna, Chair of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk region (;
- Mulyukov Marat Musayevitch, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Bashkortostan – Minister of Industry and Innovation Policy of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa) (to be confirmed);
- Michal Svantner, Director of the Division of Cooperation with Certain Countries in Europe and Asia, WIPO (Geneva, Switzerland);
- Sannikov Alexey Germanovitch, Chair of the Committee for Innovation of the Tyumen region (Tyumen);
- Maramygin Maksim Sergeyevitch, first Vice-president of the Ural Federal Economic University., Doctor of Economics, Head of the Currency and Banking, Honorable Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Yekaterinburg)
10.30 – 12.00
Workshop “Concept and Best Practices of Strategy Development in the Sphere of Intellectual Property of Universities and Research Centers in Transition Economies“ (Small Hall, fifth floor):
Leading expert: Michal Svantner, Director of the Division of Cooperation with Certain Countries in Europe and Asia, WIPO (Geneva, Switzerland)
- Maramygin Maksim Sergeyevitch, first Vice-president of the Ural Federal Economic University., Doctor of Economics, Head of the Currency and Banking, Honorable Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Yekaterinburg);
- Shulgin Dmitry Borisovitch, Head of the Intellectual Property Management department of the Ural Federal University named after the first president of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Doctor of Economics, PhD in Physics and Mathematics (Yekaterinburg);
- Pomortseva Natalya Yuryevna, Head of the Intellectual Property and Innovation Department of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Yekaterinburg);
- Ibragimov Albert Eduardovitch, Director of the branch of the “Gorodissky and Partners” Law Firm, Ltd. in Kazan, Russian patent attorney, Eurasian patent attorney;
- Vidyakina Olga Valentinovna, Head of the Science Department of the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (Moscow), PhD in Economics;
- Dedkova Nina Dmitrievna, Head of the Scientific Data and Intellectual Property Center of the “Production Association “Urals Optical and Mechanical Plant” JSC (Yekaterinburg).
10.30 – 12.00
Masterclass “BUAF Technologies in New Business Strategies Development” (Conference Room, third floor):
- Bogokin Andrey Leonidovitch, PhD in Economics, author of methodologyof “The Event Flow Construction”, “The Importance of Strategic Scenarios for Changing Business Reality”. Director the Center of Scenario Planning of the National Guild of Professional Consultants, Managing Partner of the “RAND Consulting” company (Moscow) (
10.30 – 12.00
Training “A Short Course for an Innovator (Beginner)” (Conference Room, fourth floor):
Gurevitch Dmitry Alekseevitch, Marketing Director of the “IECI” OJSC – International Exchange for Commercialization of Innovation, Director of the interregional non-profit foundation for high techonology and investment "Innovation Development Institute" (Perm)
12.00 – 12.15
Coffee break (Hall, fifth floor)
12.15 – 14.00
Round table “Zones of Priority Development of the Big Urals in 2012. Innovation Promotion Procedures of Today"
- Sannikov Alexey Germanovitch, Chair of the Committee for Innovation of the Tyumen region (Tyumen);
- Tolchin Sergey Vyacheslavovitch, Head Manager of the project “New Stellar Science and Technology Park” of the “Proton-PM” OJSC (Perm);
- Kononov Yury Anisimovitch, Director of the “Uralsky” Science and Technology Park” (Yekaterinburg), speech topic: “Science and Technology Parks Role in Innovation Development of Regions”.
12.15 – 14.00
Discussion “Investment Payback in Innovation Process” (Conference Room, third floor)
- Baskov Dmitry Borisovitch, Vice-president of the the “Union of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of the Sverdlovsk Region” non-profit partnership, General Director of the“Urals Nickel”, Ltd., Director of the geology and mining industries department of the “Corporation of Development” OJSC (earlier named "Ural Industrial - Ural Polar" (Yekaterinburg);
- Rassoshnyh Alexander Sergeyevitch, Director, the “Prykamsky Center of Strategic Planning", PhD in Economics (Perm);
- Maramygin Maksim Sergeyevitch, first Vice-president of the Ural Federal Economic University., Doctor of Economics, Head of the Currency and Banking, Honorable Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Yekaterinburg);
- Redekop Alexander Garoldovitch, Chairman of the Board of Directors, “IECI” OJSC – International Exchange for Commercialization of Innovation (IECI);
- Bogokin Andrey Leonidovitch, PhD in Economics, author of methodologyof “The Event Flow Construction”, “The Importance of Strategic Scenarios for Changing Business Reality”. Director the Center of Scenario Planning of the National Guild of Professional Consultants, Managing Partner of the “RAND Consulting” company (Moscow);
- Alexeytsev Vladimir Yuryevitch, Head of the Innovation and Investment Department of the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry, General Director of the “Exterra” (Yekaterinburg);
- Steigerwald Maksim Yuryevitch, Head of the Investment Department, the autonomous non-profit organization “Innovation Center for Small and Medium Businesses of the Sverdlovsk Region” (Yekaterinburg);
- Akhmetshin Radik Gaynullovitch, Director of the Ural branch of theNational Association of Securities Market Participants (NAUFOR), Director of the “Elite Club of Corporate Behaviour” (Yekaterinburg), speech topic: “Appropriate Corporate Managment as a Company Cost Increase Factor”;
- Tsygankov Vassily Ivanovitch, General Director of the Regional Union of Employers of the Perm region, the “Cooperation” (“Sotrudnichestvo”) non-profit partnership (Perm);
- Bukhmastov Andrey Vladimirovitch, Director of the “Union of Machine Building Enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region” non-profit partnership, PhD in Technology, senior fellow (to be confirmed);
- Poletayev Georgy Mikhaylovitch, Managing Director of the “Association of Scientific and Innovation Organizations and Enterprises of the Perm region”, Regional representative of the “Foundation for the Development of Small Enterprises in the sphere of Science and Technology” (Perm).
Presentations of small innovative businesses:
Investment project “Production of high-competitive medication — Radiopaque nanofluid for clinical purposes unparalleled in the world healthcare” (“SOTI”, Ltd.,Yekaterinburg):
- Vasilyev Viktor Georgievitch, author of the project, Director on scientific research of the “SOTI”, Ltd., senior fellow of the Institute of Solid Body Chemistry, the Ural branch of the Russian Acedemy of Sciences, PhD in Chemistry;
- Osminin Alexander Georgievitch, Director.
Innovation project “Development of the equipment network and rendering services of gas-removing from railcars” (“ESTET”, Ltd., Yekaterinburg), the project is presented by the Ural Federal University:
- Kolokolov Alexey Sergueevitch, Commercial Director.
Innovation project of the “Production Association “Urals Optical and Mechanical Plant” JSC (to be confirmed).
12.15 – 14.00
Lunch (cafe in the Sverdlovsk region Government house)
15.00 – 17.30
Government house of the Sverdlovsk region (1 Oktyabrskaya Ploshchad (Square) Yekaterinburg)
Plenary session “Peculiarities of Small Innovation Business Establishment and Development in the Urals region”:
- Volkov Vladimir Anatolyevitch, Chair of the Executive Committee of the “Big Ural” interregional association (
- Baskov Vladimir Nikolayevitch, Deputy General Director of the “Russian Energy Agency” state budgetary establishment (Moscow);
- Michal Svantner, Director of the Division of Cooperation with Certain Countries in Europe and Asia, WIPO (Geneva, Switzerland), «WIPO Instruments for Transition Economies and IP Model Policy for Universities and Research Centers”;
- Mulyukov Marat Musayevitch, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Bashkortostan – Minister of Industry and Innovation Policy of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa) (to be confirmed);
- Sannikov Alexey Germanovitch, Chair of the Innovation Committee of the Tyumen region, speech topic: “Innovation System of the Tyumen Region in 2012” (Tyumen);
- Mushnikov Nikolay Varfolomeyevitch, Vice-chair of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences for scientific and organizational work, associate member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Magnetif Materials Department of the Institute of Metal Physics of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Speech topic: “Fundamental Science and Innovation in the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences”;
- Maramygin Maksim Sergeyevitch, first Vice-president of the Ural Federal Economic University., Doctor of Economics, Head of the Currency and Banking, Honorable Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Yekaterinburg);
- Kortov Sergey Vsevolodovitch, Vice-Principal, the Ural Federal University named after the first president of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Professor, Doctor of Economics, speech topic: “Issues of the Development of Russian Federal Universities Innovation Infrastructure” (Yekaterinburg);
- Baskov Dmitry Borisovitch, Vice-president of the the “Union of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of the Sverdlovsk Region” non-profit partnership, General Director of the“Urals Nickel”, Ltd., Director of the geology and mining industries department of the “Corporation of Development” OJSC (earlier named "Ural Industrial - Ural Polar" (Yekaterinburg), speech topic: “Death Valley: Innovation and Investment — Any Solution? Branch Corporations — Driving Forces of Regional Development (Case of Corporation of Development” "Ural Industrial - Ural Polar")” (Yekaterinburg);
- Ibragimov Albert Eduardovitch, Director of the branch of the “Gorodissky and Partners” Law Firm, Ltd. in Kazan, Russian patent attorney, Eurasian patent attorney, (speech topic is to be confirmed);
- Vidyakina Olga Valentinovna, Head of the Science Department of the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (Moscow), PhD in Economics, “Intellectual Property Policy in Universities for Integrated Approach to Intellectual Activity Results Management”;
- Rakovitch Nikolay Stepanovitch, Deputy General Director for Science of the “Production Association “Urals Optical and Mechanical Plant” JSC, Honoured Constructor of the RSFSR, Honoured Mechanical Engineer, academic advisor at the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, Honoured member of the D.S. Rozhdestvensky Optical Society (Yekaterinburg);
- Godovyh Maxim Viktorovitch, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the “Infrastructure Hub” non-profit partnership, “Presentation of the Infrastructure Hub in the Sverdlovsk Region” (Yekaterinburg);
- Usenko Viktor Grigoryevitch, Vice-president of the Union of Small and Medium Businesses of the Sverdlovsk region, President of the “Real-Forum-Group” non-profit partnership (Yekaterinburg), (speech topic is to be confirmed);
- Alkhanov Rafael Shamilyevitch, Director of the Congress Industry Department and business executive committee of the “Big Ural” interregional association, Vice-president of the Union of Small and Medium Businesses of the Sverdlovsk region (Yekaterinburg), (speech topic is to be confirmed).
18.00 – 20.00
Ural Federal Economic University (Main Building, 62 8 Marta St., Yekaterinburg)
Round table “Innovation Management Professionals Training — the Urgent Goal for Leading Universities of the Innovative Russia” (Main Conference Hall of the “Ural Federal Economic University-2020" International Congress Center)
- Maramygin Maksim Sergeyevitch, first Vice-president of the Ural Federal Economic University., Doctor of Economics, Head of the Currency and Banking, Honorable Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Yekaterinburg);
- Volkov Vladimir Anatolyevitch, Chair of the Executive Committee of the “Big Ural” interregional association (
- Mulyukov Marat Musayevitch, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Bashkortostan – Minister of Industry and Innovation Policy of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa) (to be confirmed);
- Baskov Vladimir Nikolayevitch, Deputy General Director of the “Russian Energy Agency” state budgetary establishment (Moscow);
- Sannikov Alexey Germanovitch, Chair of the Committee for Innovation of the Tyumen region, speech topic: “Innovation System of the Tyumen Region in 2012” (Tyumen);
- Dedkova Nina Dmitrievna, Head of the Scientific Data and Intellectual Property Center of the “Production Association “Urals Optical and Mechanical Plant” JSC (Yekaterinburg).
Friday, March 16
9.30 – 10.00
Ural Federal Economic University (Main Building, 62 8 Marta St., Yekaterinburg)
Participants registration, coffee break (Hall of the first floor)
10.00 – 12.00
Panel discussion “Science or Business. Development Scienarios” (Large Conference Hall of the “Ural Federal Economic University-2020" International Congress Center)
- Fyodorov Mikhail Vassilyevitch, President of the Ural Federal Economic University, Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Vice-president of the Sverdlovsk region Union of Industrialists and Interpreneurs — Chair of the Committee for professional training and human resources (;
- Tatarkin Alexander Ivanovitch, Director of the Institute of Economics of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Yekaterinburg);
- Vshivtseva Marina Nikolayevna, Managing Vice-president of the Sverdlovsk region Union of Industrialists and Enterpreneurs, PhD in Political Sciences (Yekaterinburg);
- Rassoshnyh Alexander Sergeyevitch, Director, the “Prykamsky Center of Strategic Planning", PhD in Economics (Пермь);
- Rakovitch Nikolay Stepanovitch, Deputy General Director for Science of the “Production Association “Urals Optical and Mechanical Plant” JSC, Honoured Constructor of the RSFSR, Honoured Mechanical Engineer, academic advisor at the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, Honoured member of the D.S. Rozhdestvensky Optical Society (Yekaterinburg);
- Mushnikov Nikolay Varfolomeyevitch, Vice-chair of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences for scientific and organizational work, associate member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Magnetif Materials Department of the Institute of Metal Physics of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Speech topic: “Fundamental Science and Innovation in the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences”;
- Kornilkov Sergey Viktorovitch, Director of the Institute of Mining of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences (Yekaterinburg);
- Baskov Dmitry Borisovitch, Vice-president of the the “Union of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of the Sverdlovsk Region” non-profit partnership, General Director of the“Urals Nickel”, Ltd., Director of the geology and mining industries department of the “Corporation of Development” OJSC (earlier named "Ural Industrial - Ural Polar" (Yekaterinburg);
- Mechger Alexander Albertovitch, Investment Director of the “Managing Company” CJSC, PhD in Technical Sciences, speech topic “Problems of Science and Business Interaction by the Eyes of the Investor”;
- Gavrilov Nikolay Vassilyevitch, Deputy Director of the Institute of Electrophysics of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, associate member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- Michal Svantner, Director of the Division of Cooperation with Certain Countries in Europe and Asia, WIPO (Geneva, Switzerland), «WIPO Instruments for Transition Economies and IP Model Policy for Universities and Research Centers”;
- Bogokin Andrey Leonidovitch, PhD in Economics, author of methodologyof “The Event Flow Construction”, “The Importance of Strategic Scenarios for Changing Business Reality”. Director the Center of Scenario Planning of the National Guild of Professional Consultants, Managing Partner of the “RAND Consulting” company (Moscow) (;
- Poletayev Georgy Mikhaylovitch, Managing Director of the “Association of Scientific and Innovation Organizations and Enterprises of the Perm region”, Regional representative of the “Foundation for the Development of Small Enterprises in the sphere of Science and Technology” (Perm);
- Steigerwald Maksim Yuryevitch, Head of the Investment Department, the autonomous non-profit organization “Innovation Center for Small and Medium Businesses of the Sverdlovsk Region” (Yekaterinburg);
- Gurevitch Dmitry Alekseevitch, Marketing Director of the “IECI” OJSC – International Exchange for Commercialization of Innovation, Director of the interregional non-profit foundation for high techonology and investment "Innovation Development Institute" (Perm).
Presentations of small innovation businesses:
Innovation project “Integrated Waste Processing Technologies in Ore Mining and Metallurgical Production» (“New Metallurgy”, Ltd., Yekaterinburg), the project is presented by the Ural Federal University:
- Mashkin Anton Yevguenyevitch, Director;
- Tchyorny Maxim Lvovitch, Chief Operating Officer.
Innovation project of the “Production Association “Urals Optical and Mechanical Plant” JSC (to be confirmed).
12.00 – 12.15
Coffee break
12.15 - 13.30
Closing plenary session (Main Conference Hall of the “Ural Federal Economic University-2020" International Congress Center)
- Volkov Vladimir Anatolyevitch, Chair of the Executive Committee of the “Big Ural” interregional association (;
- Fyodorov Mikhail Vassilyevitch, President of the Ural Federal Economic University, Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Vice-president of the Sverdlovsk region Union of Industrialists and Interpreneurs — Chair of the Committee for professional training and human resources (
Reports by moderators and speakers of the principal Forum events:
Workshop “Concept and Best Practices of Strategy Development in the Sphere of Intellectual Property of Universities and Research Centers in Transition Economies“: author – Michal Svantner, Director of the Division of Cooperation with Certain Countries in Europe and Asia, WIPO (Geneva, Switzerland)
- Shulgin Dmitry Borisovitch, Head of the Intellectual Property Management Department of the Ural Federal University named after the first president of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Doctor of Economics, PhD in Physics and Mathematics (Yekaterinburg);
Discussion “Investment Payback in Innovation Process”:
- Baskov Dmitry Borisovitch, Vice-president of the the “Union of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of the Sverdlovsk Region” non-profit partnership, General Director of the“Urals Nickel”, Ltd., Director of the geology and mining industries department of the “Corporation of Development” OJSC (earlier named "Ural Industrial - Ural Polar" (Yekaterinburg).
Round table “Zones of Priority Development of the Big Urals in 2012. Innovation Promotion Procedures of Today”:
- Tolchin Sergey Vyacheslavovitch, Head Manager of the project “New Stellar Science and Technology Park” of the “Proton-PM” OJSC (Perm).
Plenary session “Peculiarities of Small Innovation Business Establishment and Development in the Urals region”:
- Volkov Vladimir Anatolyevitch, Chair of the Executive Committee of the “Big Ural” interregional association (
Round table “Innovation Management Professionals Training — Urgent Goal for Leading Universities of the Innovative Russia”:
- Maramygin Maksim Sergeyevitch, first Vice-president of the Ural Federal Economic University., Doctor of Economics, Head of the Currency and Banking, Honorable Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Yekaterinburg);
Panel discussion “Science or Business. Development Scienarios”:
- Fyodorov Mikhail Vassilyevitch, President of the Ural Federal Economic University, Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Vice-president of the Sverdlovsk region Union of Industrialists and Interpreneurs — Chair of the Committee for professional training and human resources (
Results of the first interregional youth innovation project competition “Discoveries of the Age of Change-2012”.
Award ceremony
- Gurevitch Dmitry Alekseevitch, Marketing Director of the “IECI” OJSC – International Exchange for Commercialization of Innovation (Perm).
Press-conference of the Forum organizers (as part of the closing plenary session).
13.30 – 14.00
Lunch (cafe in the Ural Federal University, dining room for teaching staff)
14.00 – 16.00
Open lecture “The WIPO Role in Cooperation with Countries of the Transition Economies”
- Michal Svantner, international expert, Director of the Division of Cooperation with Certain Countries in Europe and Asia, WIPO (Geneva, Switzerland).
Opening address by:
- Fyodorov Mikhail Vassilyevitch, President of the Ural Federal Economic University, Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Vice-president of the Sverdlovsk region Union of Industrialists and Interpreneurs — Chair of the Committee for professional training and human resources(
Forum Organizing Committee
![]() | Program of the Inaugural Russian Investment Forum “RUS-INNO-BUSINESS 2012: Small Innovative Business in the Ural Region” (pdf, 307 kb) |
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