Michal Svantner, JU Dr.
— Doctor of Law, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneve, Switzerland.
On 1 February 2009 Mr. Svantner was appointed Director of the Division of Cooperation with Certain Countries in Europe and Asia, WIPO (Geneva, Switzerland).
In 2003-2007 Mr. Svantner was a Senior Counselor in the same division, since April 2007 to February 2009 was Acting Director of Division.
He managed issues of intellectual property (IP) rights development in the countries of Europe and Asia with an accent to transition economies’ demands, cooperation programmes implementation including IP systems modernization, application of the TRIPs and IP norms.
In 1997 — 2003 Mr. Svantner was a manager of the UN Development Programme, being a Senior Counselor. His principal duties included disaster management.
In 1994 — 1997Mr. Svantner worked as Expert of the Disaster Management of the Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the UN.
In 1993 — 1994Mr. Svantner was Program Coordinator in Tadzhikistan and later in Central Asia, of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. His duties included issues of protection and aid to refugees, and technical cooperation programmes.
In 1981 — 1993 Mr. Svantner worked at various diplomatic posts in the Central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czechoslovakia, and later in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia and abroad: 1984-89 — Tunisia, 1990 — 93 — Algeria.
Mr. Svantneris Doctor of Law (Charles University, Praga, Czech Republic). In 1981 he graduated from MGIMO-University (Moscow State University of International Relations) and studied in the Academy of International Economics and Trade, Banská Bystrica, Czechoslovakia (1971-74).
Has a good command of the Arabic, Czech, English, French, Hungarian, Polish, Russian and Slovak languages.
Married, three children.
Alexandrov Ilya Alexadrovich
— Dr. IUR., MBA (Finance), LL.M., Managing Partner.
Started his career in 1997 as a German interpreter in Minsk. In 1999 worked in Germany for Aral AG-British Petroleum Group in export and law departments. During the 2003-2007 period worked on investment projects, M&A deals and project finance in Russia’s largest holding groups in Moscow (GUTA Group, Interros, Golden Telecom). From 2007 to 2008 was the Head of Investment practice in the “Yakovlev and partners” law firm in Moscow. In October 2008 started working for the “Alexandrov and partners” group along with his colleagues. “Alexandrov and partners” group has a number of branch offices and representative offices in Moscow, Sukhumi, Ekaterinburg and Kazan.
- 1995-2000: Belarusian State University, Law faculty, Minsk;
- 2001-2003: Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany. Wrote and defended his theses in international commercial arbitration in CIS and Germany (in German language).
- 2002-2003: Wilhelms University,Munster, Germany. Master of Law (LL.M.) Studied corporate law, commercial law and European law.
- 2007: Initial accounting education, Moscow
- 2006-2008: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Moscow. MBA in Finance. Thesis on “M&A deals strategies”.
Areas of specialization:
- Financing of investment projects;
- M&A deals, corporate restructuring;
- Legal support of capital market transactions, including issue and allocation of bonds, preparing for and doing IPO
- Modernization of production through getting financial support for the equipment supply from Europe;
- Direct investment projects (Green- & Brownfield Investments),
- Legal support of property trust Investment protection, foreign trade dispute settlement through trail court proceedings relating to external economic disputes;
- Project support in the Republic of Abkhaziya
- M&A deal structuring and realization in Russia, CIS and far-abroad countries
- support of capital market transactions
- Arranging financing investment attraction for projects,
- Minimization of legal and financial risks of investments in assets (securities, real estate) with high profit margin.
- support of direct investment projects in the different implementation phases.
Mr. Alexandrov is teaching at the Lomonosov Moscow State University Business school, Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Moscow International Higher Business School “MIRBIS” and in regional business schools (“Green city” in Nizhyi Novgorod, USIB, USUG in Ekateringburg)
Languages: Russian, German, English, Ukrainian, Belorussian,Polish
Bogokin Andrey Leonidovitch
— PhD in Economics, author of methodologyof “The Event Flow Construction”, “The Importance of Strategic Scenarios for Changing Business Reality”. Director the Center of Scenario Planning of the National Guild of Professional Consultants, Managing Partner of the “RAND Consulting” company (Moscow).
A.L. Bogokin began his career in management consulting over 20 years ago. More than 80 projects were implemented including 60 projects implemented successfully during 4 last years.
In 2004 he started his work with Vyacheslav Dudchenko, founder of national consulting and participated in big consulting and education projects of: “LukOilNeftehim” OJSC, “InterRAO” OJSC, “FSK” OJSC, “Tveruniversalbank” joint-stock commercial bank and other companies.
In 2008 A.L. Bogokin launched his own direction in management consulting, developed methods of strategic scenarios of company development. Today manages several projects including the ones of the “Ledovo” state corporation, VNIIMETMASH joint-stock holding company, the “PaTe” company, “Sibbusinessbank” joint-stock commercial bank, “Velomotors” OJSCand other companies.
Lectures at the Higher School of Economics (Russia) with his original courses on scenario technologies in innovation business sector, GR and PR for the management of big and medium companies of the Russian Federation (Russian Railways OJSC, the “Systema” joint-stock financial corporation and other companies).
A.L. Bogokin is a member of the Expert Council on intangible assets development of the Committee for Economic Policy and Enterpreneurship of the RF State Duma, is in cooperation with other expert structures of the RF Federal Assembly.
Gurevitch Dmitry Alexeevitch
— Marketing Director, “IECI” OJSC (International Exchange for Commercialization of Innovation), Director of the interregional non-profit foundation for high techonology and investment "Innovation Development Institute" (Perm, Russia).
In 1998 got a degree in “Electronic Computer Facilities, Systems, Complexes and Networks” in the Perm State Technical University. Since 1998 worked as an engineer-constructor in the optional equipment office in the “Morion” OJSC.
In 2003 was invited to the IP telephony provider asChief Technical Officer, and later as a General Director of the central office in Perm.
In 2004 got a second degree higher-education degree in “Production Management”, in Perm State University.
Since 2008 worked in corporate sales of the WÜRTH (Germany) office in Perm.
Since 2010 held an executive position in the Ministry of Industry, Innovation and Science of the Perm region, was administering issues of innovation activity development in the Perm region.
Since 2010 has been carrying out commercial and non-profit activity in science-based projects development. Founder of the “Innovation Development Institute” non-profit foundation, author of study and practice courses and presentations for public speeches, organizer of regional stages of the U.M.N.I.K. and S.T.A.R.T. federal programme.
Since January 2012 holds a position of Marketing Director in the “IECI” OJSC (International Exchange for Commercialization of Innovation).
Married, two children.
Ibragimov Albert Eduardovitch
— Director, the “Gorodissky and Partners” Law Firm” branch in Kazan (Russia), RF Patent Attorney, Eurasian Patent Attorney.
Graduated from the Kazan Aviation Institute in 1991, engineer, electronics technician.
Got patent degree at the retraining courses of the Rospatent “Sertification System and IP items apparaisal” in 1998, and in Institute for Further Education of the RF Ministry of Industry and Science on “Intellectual property” in 2002.
In 2001 — 2008 was the Head of the Tatarstan Center of Science and Technical Information.
In 2008 started his career in the “Gorodissky and Partners” law firm (Kazan, Russia). Consults clients on legal protection of inventions and useful models, contest of patents, technology transfer, licencing and corporate intellectual assets management. Specializes in invention patents in geophysics. Intellectual property chartered surveyor. Accredited in “Center of Forensic Expertise” government agency of the RF Ministry of Justice as a forensic expert on inventions, useful models, trademarks and license agreements.Speaker at conferences and seminars on various issues of IP rights protection.
Author of a series of inventions and research articles on IP management.Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan in science and technology. In the scope of the small entrepreneurship support programme of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2005-2010 developed the IP management and accounting system of the republic, in 2004-2006 was a research advisor of the “State Intellectual Property Management System in the Republic of Tatarstan” by order of the Academy of Sciences’ branch in the Republic of Tatarstan. Member of the supervisory board of the “Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan” state non-profit organization.
Krotov Sergey Vsevolodovich
— Dr of Economic Science, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Science, Professor, 51 years old.
Place of work, position: USUG, Pro-rector for innovation, Head of the Innovation Technologies Department.
Current activities: administrative and managerial work, teaching, scientific research.
Sphere of administrative and managerial work: development of innovation infrastructure of the university, creation of university-based small and medium-sized enterprises, organization of business activities of the university, venture capital investment, training specialists for innovative activities.
Sphere of scientific interests: regional innovation schemes, scientific and technological prognostication.
S. Krotov is the author of more than 170 publications, 4 monographs, 8 patents and is a member of two academic periodicals’ editorial boards.
Teaching activities: organizes of all kinds of teaching activities in the sphere of innovations in the university, distance education, active forms of education. He is also the author of the following courses: “”The theory of innovation”, “Organization of innovation activities in the scientific and technical sphere”. Moreover, he is the author of 6 textbooks and tutorials and is a state education standards developer in the innovation sphere.
Mylukov Marat Mysaevich
— Deputy Prime-Minister of the Bashkortostan Republic, Industry and innovation policy Minister of the Bashkortostan Republic.
Date of birth: 02.04.1974
Education: Bashkortostan State University, specialty “Banking”, degree with distinction (1996), Bachelor of Foreign languages (2000), Master of Public Administration in Duquesne University, Pittsburg, USA (2001). Underwent training in the Heritage Foundation in Washington DC.
Work experience:
Mr. Mylukov went all the way from a international bank officer to the Head of Rosatom’s “Atom-innovations” center.
2004-2005 – Assistant Advisor to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
2006-2008 – Head of the FSUE "TsNIIAtominform". Worked on implementation of innovation projects and was involved in the formation of policy and practical measures to promote innovation in the nuclear industry.
2009-2011- Head of All-Russian Research Institute for Technical Physics and Automation
Since 2011 is Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Myshnikov Nikolay Varfolomeevich
— Deputy Chairman of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences on scientific and organizational work, corresponding member of RAS, Head of the Department of magnetic materials of the Institute of Metal Physics. Mr. Myshnikov is a specialist in the field of experimental physics of magnetic phenomena and the development of magnetic materials.
He is also the author of 120 scientific works and a holder of 3 patents and a member of the editorial board of "The Physics of Metals and Metallography" academic periodical.
Vidyakina Olga Valentinovna
— PhD in Economics, Head of the science department of the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, federal state budget higher educational institution, Moscow.
In 1999 — 2010 worked at the post of the Head of patent and licencing department of the Irkutsk State University of Communication Means, Irkutsk.
Since 2010 holds a post of the Head of the science department of the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, federal state budget higher educational institution, Moscow.
PhD in Economics (RSAIP, 2009), doctoral student in the RSAIP federal state budget higher educational institution.
In 2011 studied Master of Laws in Intellectual Property (Turin, Italy).
Lectures on “Business Assesment Framework”, intellectual property chartered surveyor.
Author of more than 50 research works in IP management. Author of the “Patent Policy Building in Universities” monograph, 2012 (“PATENT” Information and publishing center” OJSC , Moscow).
Initiator and manager of the “Efficient Patent Policy Analysis: Practical Aspect” all-Russian research programme, 2012.
Specializes in conceptual framework and practical mechanisms of intellectual property policy development in universities.
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