Rassoshnyh Alexander Sergeyevitch
— Director, the “Prikamsky Center of Strategic Planning”autonomous noncommercial organization (Perm, Russia).
In 1982 graduated from the Perm Polytechnical Institute with a degree in “Automated Management Information System”, in 1987 got a second university degree at the department of staff retraining for new promising technologies of the Perm Polytechnical Institute with a degree in “Production Management Organizing”. PhD in Economics.
In 2001-2011 under his supervision, new methods of enterprises development strategies building, value added control systems, business appraisal, regional industrial policy concepts and mechanisms, social and economic development strategies for the districts of the Perm region. 4 PhD theses are defended as a result of developed methods implementation.
The methods developed have become the basis for major work for enterprises, industries and territories of the Perm region, the RF Government on:
- “Perm Region Industry Development Strategy for 2004 - 2008”;
- Perm Industry Principal Branches and Local Manufacturers Support Strategy for 2008 - 2010 (Contractor —Perm City Administration, 2008);
- Development and formalization of companies financial and economic performance and social background analysis and projection in the Perm region(Contractor — Administration of the Perm region Governor, 2010);
- Development of “The “Proton PM” OJSC Development Strategy for 2015”.( Contractor — Owner, Federal State Unitary Enterprise n.a. M.V. Khrunichev, 2009);
- Development strategy for “Promoil” group of companies (cooperation with Chinese enterprises) (Contractor — Owner, 2009 - 2011);
- Executive summary “On the Development of Shipbuilding and Shipreparing Industry in the Russian Federation” (Strategy).
A.S. Rassoshnyh specializes in:
- Enterprises and strategic alliances management;
- Factor and index analysis of enterprises and alliances financial and economic activity;
- Managers psychodiagnostics;
- Scenario modeling.
Baskov Dmitryi Borisovich
— Deputy Director General, Director of Strategic Development Department of JSC "Corporation Ural Industrial - Ural Polar". Advisor to the permanent conference at the Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District.
Date of birth: March 30, 1966
- 1999 — 2001 Urals Academy of Public Administration. Specialty - State and municipal management;
- 1992 — 1998 State Forest Technical Academy. Specialty - Business and management companies of chemical and forest industries;
- Since 1992, founder and shareholder of "Veld" (JSC "Veld XXI Century"). Chairman of the Board of Directors, the CEO and top managers of JSC "Veld" and its subsidiaries including the following:
- 2001 — 2005 Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rusich - "Kurgan Wheeled Tractor Plant"
- 2001 — 2003 Member of the Board of Directors of JSC "Kurgan plant of woodworking machines"
- 1999 — 2002 Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "Kurgan Bus Plant"
- Other achievements:
- 2002 — 2004 took part in venture capital projects, "Urals Nickel" (Kungurdeposit with RCC) and the "Polar Quartz" (Khanty);
- 2005 — 2007 JSC "Russian Copper Company." Vice President for Strategic Development and Natural Resources;
- 2008 — 2009 Founded and structured the engineering and consulting firm "Urals Nickel";
- Since 2010 is the Deputy Director General, Director of Strategic Development Department of JSC "Corporation Ural Industrial -Ural Polar". Advisor to the permanent conference at the Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District.
- Is the author of more than 25 patents for inventions.
- Has structured, executed and implemented about twenty large-scale business projects
- Founded a business worth more than $ 15 million
- OAO "KAVZ" and JSC "KZKT" are prepared for restructurization
- Venture Business "Polar Quartz" is put into the construction phase of mining and processing enterprise.
- Venture Business "Urals Nickel" is prepared to attract foreign investment, including investor LLC "GP Kungur" is Nickel.
- Development and initiation of implementation of the special project "Resource-Aurum" with a total investment in gold mining complex 0 million, implemented on the territory of the Ural Federal District, on the request of the Plenipotentiary Representative of Russian President and the State of Qatar.
- During the 2.5 years of Mr. Baskov working as the Vice President of Strategic Development and Natural Resources in the company "RMK" – JSC, "RMK" has become a leader in supply of copper ores reserves in Russia (from 0.6 million tons to 9 million tons of Cu, Zn, confirmed by the IMC audit of JORC, the resources are up to 19 million tons)
- One of the best geological services among mining holdings was created. LLC "Uralgidromed" (the world's first enterprise-situ leaching of copper) has reached commercial production level.
- From 2006 to 2001 he has successfully initiated and implemented hundreds of auctions, contests and positive “Rosnedra” license renewals in the interest of the customer.
Fedorov Mikhail Vasilyevich
— rector of the Ural State Economic University.
Was born in 1952. In 1973 graduated from Sverdlovsk Mining Institute with a specialization in "Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits". After that he was engaged in social, scientific and educational work. In 1982 protected his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences.
From 1989 to 1993 was a doctoral student in the Moscow Institute of Geological Exploration.
In 1993 protected his thesis for the degree of Doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences. Starting 1993 is the professor of environmental economics at the Ural State Economic University.
Main areas of scientific activity: competitiveness of enterprises and sectors of the economy, the problems of food safety, nanotechnology of mechanochemical degradation of polymers, bauxite formation patterns in the history of the crust of the Urals.
In 2011 independent public council with the participation of the State Duma, Federation Council, Russian Union of Rectors, Russian Academy of Education, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences awarded Mr. Fedorov the title “The Rector of the Year-2011” for his contribution to the development of higher education, professionalism and fruitful work.
For the creation of a permanent site of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum which is annually held by USUE, Mr. Fedorov won the award for regional information center "ITAR-TASS Ural" in nomination "For the vision" and was awarded the title "Person of the Year - 2011" according to the European Academy of retail.
He is also the author of more than 300 scientific publications, 13 monographs, 5 textbooks and has five patents for inventions, including the Eurasian patent for the method of grinding grain.
Sapegin Dmitry Yevgenyevitch
— Director General, “ORVINIT” CJSC (Information and intellectual technologies implementation).
In 1984 г. got a degree in “Automation and Remote Control”in Perm Polytechnical Institute (Engineering system management).
The area of the “ORVINIT” CJSC is social and Internet projects, branding, political strategies and consulting in management.
Dmitry Yevgenyevitch Sapegin is the organizer and leading manager of more than 50 topical working seminars, the participant and organizer of numerous round-table discussions, seminars and workshops in the following areas: national youth policy, patriotic upbringing, culture, social activity, personnel policies, innovation.
D.Y.Sapegin is the author of the awardwinning “Building regional and territorial management commands” (the “Innovation in Management” national award issued by the RF Council of Federation and the Public Administration Academy of the Russian Federation in 2002).
Adviser to the Head Federal Inspector on youth policy in the Perm region in 2006 — 2009.
Author of the Youth Policy Concept in the Perm region — 2008.
Author of the “Hunt for Future”, a book on Russian national youth policy priorities — 2009.
Program developer and the head speaker of the All-Russian Forum of Youth Parliaments in 2009 — 2010. Managed a youth parliamentarism mission development in the Russian Federation — 2009.
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